Junichi Miyazawa,
"Trip to Australia in search of Percy Grainger, September 1995,"
Ongaku geijutsu 53, no.12 (December 1995): 94-96.


Alphabetical Index of Original Compositions and Folk-Song Arrangements*
by Percy Aldridge Grainger (Japanese Edition)
Listing compiled by Barry Peter Ould, Music Archivist, 
Secretary of Percy Grainger Society;
authorized Japanese titles by Junichi Miyazawa

*including arrangements and realisations by others



 The Percy Grainger Society

6 Fairfax Crescent, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom, HP20 2ES or
Tel.: 01296 428609 (International: + 44 1296 428609) -
Fax: 0870 0888311 (International: + 44 870 0888311) or
e-mail: pginfo@bardic-music.com



A . . . . . . . .  / top /

Afterword / あとがき
   chorus and brass
   chorus and piano
Afton Water (see Three Burns Songs)
Agincourt Song
Always Merry and Bright (Mock Morris)
  2 pianos (4 hands)
Anchor Song / 錨の歌  [KS6]
  male voice and piano
Andante con moto / アンダンテ・コン・モート [YT]
  piano solo
Arrival Platform Humlet / 到着ホームでうたう鼻歌  [RMTB7; 1st mov. of In a Nutshell Suite]  ※組曲《早わかり》第1曲
  orchestra and piano
  piano solo
  2 pianos (4 hands)
  solo viola or massed violas
  solo violin or massed violins
  solo oboe or massed oboes
  resonaphone or marimba solo
  brass quintet (arr. Stanhope)
As Sally Sat A’Weeping [BFMS; part of Two Musical Relics of my Mother]
  2 pianos (4 hands)
  brass quintet (arr. Kreines)
 At Twilight / たそがれどきに
  mixed chorus and tenor solo
  piano solo
Australian Marching Song / オーストラリアの行進歌
  mixed chorus and room-music/orchestra
Australian Up-Country Song / オーストラリアの内陸地の歌
  mixed chorus
  saxophone sextet (arr. Cawkwell)
  piano solo (ed. Stevenson)
  wind band (arr. Bainum)
  wind quintet (arr. Lesnick)

. . B . . . . . . . .  / top /

Bahariyale V. Palaniyandi
  Indian cup bells, harmonium and 3 or 4 hand drums
Beaches of Lukannon [KS20; 5th mov. of Kipling Jungle Book Cycle ]
  mixed chorus, strings (ad lib.) and harmonium (ad lib.)
  voice and piano
Beautiful Fresh Flower (Chinese Melody) / 美しく新鮮な花(中国の旋律)
  piano solo (simplified; arr. Stevenson)
  piano solo
  strings and percussion (arr. Sculthorpe)
  saxophone trio
  string quartet (arr. Sculthorpe)
  orchestra (arr. Woolrich)
Bell Piece  / 鐘を使った小品 (after Dowland)  ※ジョン・ダウランドの〈おお、今こそ別れねばならぬ〉に基づくランブル
  tenor voice and band (ed. Duffy & Ould)
Blithe Bells / 楽しい鐘の音 (after J. S. Bach)   ※正式の副題は「J.S.バッハの世俗カンタータ《狩りこそがわが喜び》BWV.208 のアリア〈羊は安らかに草をはみ〉に基づくフリー・ランブル」
  orchestra (elastic scoring)
  piano and military band (ed. Ould)
  piano solo (concert and easy versions)
  2 pianos (4 hands)
  wind band (arr. Jager)
Bold William Taylor / 勇敢なウィリアム・テイラー [BFMS43]
  voice and ensemble
  voice and piano
Bonnie George Campbell / ボニー・ジョージ・キャンベル  [SON11]   See Songs of the North
  voice and piano
A Bridal Lullaby (Theme music from Howards End) / 婚礼のララバイ (映画『ハワーズ・エンド』のテーマ)
  piano solo (original version)
  piano solo (simplified; arr. Thwaites)
  harp solo (arr. Gibbs)
  chorus + opt. T solo and harp (piano) and/or strings (arr. Gibbs as Goodbye to Love)
  ssaa chorus and harp (piano) (arr. Gibbs as Goodbye to Love)
  organ solo (arr. Gibbs)
  guitar solo (arr. Smart)
  violin (or viola or cello) and piano (arr. Gibbs as 2nd mov. of Danish Memories suite)
  French or tenor horn and piano (arr. Gibbs)
  concert band (arr. Hartley as 2nd mov. of Tit-Bits suite)
  piano and orchestra (arr. Pickard)
Bridal Song (To A Nordic Princess) / 婚礼の歌 (北欧の王女へ)
  organ (arr. Farnham)
The Bride’s Tragedy / 花嫁の悲劇
  double or single chorus and orchestra
  chorus and orchestra (arr. Chignell) [BBC Library]
The Bridegroom Grat [YT]
  voice and piano (arr. Ould)
  voice and guitar (arr. Smart)
  voice and strings (ed. Ould)
Brigg Fair / ブリッグの市 (ブリッグの定期市) [BFMS7]
  tenor and mixed chorus
  tenor and strings (arr. Conway)
  brass sextet (arr. Osmon)
  saxophone quintet (arr. Cawkwell)
  cello and strings (arr. Palmer)
  flute and piano (arr. Smith)
The Brisk Young Sailor / 元気な若い船乗り See: Lincoinshire Posy
  piano solo
British Waterside (The Jolly Sailor) / 英国の水辺 (愉快な船乗り)  [BFMS26]
  high voice and piano
  low voice and piano
  concert band (arr. Kreines)
  wind band (arr. Simon)
  wind band (arr. Moss)
  wind band (arr. Wilson)
Bush Music / ブッシュ・ミュージック(茂みの音楽)
  orchestra (arr. Ould)

. . . C . . . . . . . .  / top /

The Camp (Y Gadlys) [Welsh Fighting Song No. 1]
  chorus and piano
  chorus and band (arr. Ragsdale)
Children’s March: Over the Hills and Far Away / 子供のマーチ (丘を越えて遥かに) [RMTB4]
  piano solo (excerpt)
  2 pianos (4 hands)
  piano solo (simplified; arr. Stevenson)
  orchestra (arr. Schmid)
  piano solo (arr. Hoag)
  organ (excerpt) (arr. Barnes)
  piano and wind band (ed. Rogers)
  wind band (arr. Ragsdale)
Colleen Dhas (The Valley Lay Smiling in Moore' Irish Melodies) [BFMS]
  flute, cor anglais, guitar (harp) and string
Colonial Song / コロニアル・ソング (植民地風の歌) [S1]
  soprano, tenor, harp and orchestra
  soprano, harp and orchestra
  soprano, tenor and piano trio
  soprano, tenor, piano and string quartet
  soprano, tenor and piano
  3 solo strings, harp and orchestra
  theatre orchestra (elastic scoring)
  orchestra (arr. Schmid)
  military band
  piano solo
  organ (arr. Ross)
  wind band (arr. Kreines)
Country Gardens (English Morris Dance Tune) [BFMS22] / カントリー・ガーデンズ (田舎の庭園)(イングランドのモリス・ダンスの調べ)
  salon orchestra (arr. Artok)
  orchestra (arr. Schmid)
  piano solo
  piano solo (easy version)
  piano solo (very easy version)
  2 pianos (4 hands)
  1 piano (4 hands)
  2 pianos (8 hands)
  accordion (arr. Diero)
  descant and treble recorder and piano (arr. Bergmann)
  flute, violin and cello (arr. Gray)
  piano and strings (arr. King)
  saxophone sextet (arr. Cawkwell)
  descant and treble recorder
  for 2 instruments in C
  mixed chorus a cappella (arr. Tall)
  male chorus a cappella (arr. Tall)
  women’s chorus a cappella (arr. Tall)
  2-part female chorus a cappella (arr. Tall)
  chorus and orchestra (arr. McCarthy)
  organ solo (arr. Keedy)
  wind band (ed. Clark)
  wind band (arr. Sousa)
Country Gardens (2nd version) / カントリー・ガーデンズ (田舎の庭園) 第2ヴァージョン
  orchestra (Stokowski version)
  wind band (ed. Brion)
  wind band (ed. Kreines)
  ensemble (1952 version) (ed. Ould)
  2 pianos (4 hands) (arr. Smith)
  piano solo (transc. Stevenson)
County Derry Air / デリー州の調べ (see Irish Tune from County Derry 2nd version) [BFMS29]
Creepin’ Jane / クリーピング・ジェイン  [BFMS]
  voice and piano
The Crew of the Long Serpent (Dragon) [YT]
  2 pianos (4 hands)

. . . . D . . . . . . . .  / top /

Dalvisa (Swedish folksong)
  mixed chorus a cappella
Danish Folk Music Suite/ デンマーク民謡組曲 including:
    The Power of Love / 愛の力 [DFMS2]
    Lord Peter' Stable Boy / ピーター卿(ペーザ卿)の馬丁 [DFMS1]
    The Nightingale and The Two Sisters / ナイチンゲールと二人の姉妹 [DFMS10]
Jutish Medley / ユトランド民謡メドレー[DFMS9]
  orchestra (elastic scoring)
Danish Memories Suite including:
    Stalt Vesselil/The Maiden and the Frog [DFMS]
    A Bridal Lullaby
    Hubby and Wifey [DFMS]
  violin (viola or cello) and piano (arr. Gibbs)
Danny Deever / ダニー・ディーヴァー [KS12]
  double men’s chorus and orchestra
  baritone, men’s chorus and piano
David of the White Rock / 白い岩のダーヴィズ  [BFMS]
  voice and piano
Death Song for Hjalmar Thuren (Tail-piece)
  women’s chorus and harps (ed. Ould)
Dedication / 献辞 [KS1]
  high voice and piano
  male voice and piano (1st setting)
Died for Love / 愛のために死んで [BFMS10]
  woman’s voice and piano
  woman’s voice and instrumental trio
  string orchestra or string quartet
  saxophone quartet (arr. Cawkwell)
  piano solo
  violoncello and piano (ed. Welsh)
Dollar and A Half A Day [SCS2]
  male chorus
  trombone chorus (arr. Kreines)
Dreamery / ドリーマリー
  full orchestra
  string orchestra (2 versions)
Drowned / 溺れ死んだ恋人 [SON]  See: Songs of the North
  voice and piano
Duke of Marlborough Fanfare / モールバラ公爵のファンファーレ  [BFMS36]
  orchestral brass
  2 pianos (4 hands) (ed. Ould)
  wind band (arr. Ragsdale)
  brass choir (arr. Kreines)
  brass and wind (ed. Simon)
  large saxophone choir (arr. Cawkwell)

. . . . . E . . . . . . . .  / top /

Early One Morning / ある朝早く [BFMS]
  orchestra (Stokowski version)
  string orchestra
  soprano and orchestra (1940 version)
  room-music (1940 version)
  mixed chorus a cappella (realised Tall)
  high voice and piano
  organ duet
  organ solo (arr. Quinn)
  reed organ and 2 solovoxes
  wind band (arr. Kreines)
  trombone choir (arr. Kreines)
  orchestral brass (arr. Kreines)
Eastern Intermezzo / 東洋風間奏曲 [RMTB5; 4th mov. of Youthful Suite] ※《若々しき組曲》第4曲
  small orchestra
  piano solo
  2 pianos (4 hands)
  percussion ensemble
  wind band (arr. Warshaw)
English Dance / イングリッシュ・ダンス
  orchestra (2 versions)
  orchestra with organ
  elastic scoring
  2 pianos (6 hands)
  keyboards and strings (1952 version)
English Waltz / イングリッシュ・ワルツ (英国円舞曲)  [5th mov. of Youthful Suite] ※《若々しき組曲》第5曲
  2 pianos (4 hands)
  piano solo
  piano duet (arr. Palmer)
  wind band (arr. McKinney)
Evan Banks (see Three Burns Songs)

. . . . . . F . . . . . . . .  / top /

Faeroe Island Dance (Let' Dance Gay in Green Meadow) / フェロー島の踊り (緑の草原で楽しく踊ろう)
  strings and percussion (arr. Sculthorpe)
The Fall of the Stone [KS16; 1st mov. of Kipling Jungle Book Cycle]
  chorus and ensemble
Father and Daughter / 父と娘  [FI1]
  solo voices, double mixed chorus, strings, brass and percussion
The First Chanty [KS]
  voice and piano
Fisher's Boarding House / フィッシャーの水夫宿  [YT] ※Fisher は固有名詞
Free Music No. 1 / フリー・ミュージック (自在音楽) 第1番
  string quartet or string orchestra
Free Music No. 2 / フリー・ミュージック (自在音楽) 第2番

. . . . . . . G . . . . . . . .  / top /

Gamelan Anklung (Balinese Ceremonial Music) / ガムラン・アンクルン (バリ島の典礼音楽)
  flute and percussion
Ganges Pilot [KS]
  male voice and piano
Gay but Wistful [2nd mov. of In a Nutshell Suite] / 陽気な、しかしもの悲しそうな組曲《早わかり》第2曲
  piano and orchestra
  orchestra (arr. Langey)
  piano solo
  2 pianos (4 hands)
Gypsy’s Wedding Day [BFMS] / ジプシーの婚礼の日
  mixed chorus a cappella
  wind band (arr. Ragsdale)
Goodbye to Love (A Bridal Lullaby) /
  tenor, mixed chorus, harp or piano and strings (arr. Gibbs)
  women’s chorus, harp or piano (arr. Gibbs)
Green Bushes / 緑の茂み (英国民謡に基づくパッサカリア)
  small orchestra [BFMS12]
  theatre orchestra (elastic scoring) [BFMS12]
  2 pianos (6 hands) [BFMS25]
  wind band (arr. Daehn) (see Themes from Green Bushes)
Gumsuckers’ March [4th mov. of In a Nutshell Suite] / ガムサッカーズ・マーチ
  piano and orchestra
  orchestra (arr. Langey)
  piano solo
  2 pianos (4 hands)
  wind band and piano (ed. Rogers)
  wind band and piano (ed. Kreines)

. . . . . . . . H . . . . . . . .  / top /

Handel in the Strand (Clog Dance) [RMTB2] / ストランド街のヘンデル (木靴の踊り)
  piano and strings (also massed)
  orchestra (Stokowski version)
  orchestra (arr. H. Wood)
  piano solo
  2 pianos (4 hands)
  ensemble (1952 version)
  organ (arr. Stockmeier)
  band (arr. Goldman)
  wind band (arr. Perna)
  trombone choir (arr. Kreines)
Hard Hearted Barbra’ (H)Ellen / 心の冷たいバーブラ・ヘレン  [BFMS]
  piano solo (2 keys)
  voice and piano
Harlem (125th Street) Walkabout /ハーレム(125丁目)を歩く
  wind band (arr. Hartley)
  piano solo (ed. Stevenson)
Harvest Hymn / 収穫の讃歌
  chamber orchestra (elastic scoring)
  voice(s) and piano duet
  piano solo
  1 piano (4 hands)
  cello or violin and piano
  1 piano (6 hands)
  2 pianos (8 hands)
  wind band (arr. Kreines)
Hermunder Illi [FI; part of Two Musical Relics of my Mother]
  2 pianos (4 hands)
Hill Song I / ヒル・ソング (丘の歌) 第1番
  2 pianos (4 hands)
  piano solo (simplified; arr. Stevenson)
  orchestra woodwind ensemble [original version] (ed. Stout)
  wind band (arr. Rogers)
Hill Song II / ヒル・ソング(丘の歌)第2番
  2 pianos (4 hands)
  wind ensemble or orchestral wind ensemble, harmonium, reed organ , percussion and piano (4 hands) [1929 version]
The Hunter in his Career / 玄人の猟師
  chorus and orchestra [OEPM3]
  chorus and 2 pianos [OEPM3]
  piano solo [OEPM4]
  concert band (arr. Kreines)
  men’s chorus and band (arr band (arr. Robinson)
  low brass ensemble (arr. Ragsdale)
The Hunting Song of the Seeonee Pack [KS8; 8th mov. of Kipling Jungle Book Cycle]
  4-part male chorus and strings (ad lib.)
  4-part men’s chorus (1st setting)
Husband and Wife [DFMS5] / 夫と妻
  2 voices, guitars, cello and timpani,  room music
  2 voices and piano
  violin (or viola or cello) and piano (arr. Gibbs)

. . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . .  / top /

The Immovable Do (The Ciphering C) / 固定されたド (自鳴するC)
  mixed chorus and orchestra elastic scoring (9 single strings, string orchestra or full orchestra)
  saxophone choir
  piano solo
  wind band
  wind band (arr. Kreines)
I’m Seventeen Come Sunday/ 日曜日が来ればわたしは17歳  [BFMS8]
  mixed chorus, percussion and brass
  chorus, percussion and strings
  chorus and brass (arr. Webster)
  wind band (arr. Daehn)
  mixed chorus and orchestra (arr. Hamner) [BBC Library]
In a Nutshell Suite / 組曲 早わかり including:   ※なぜ「早わかり」と訳すか?
    Arrival Platform Humlet  / 到着ホームでうたう鼻歌 [RMTB7]
    Gay but Wistful / 陽気な、しかしもの悲しそうな
    Pastoral / 田園豪
    Gumsuckers’ March / ガムサッカーズ・マーチ   ※題名の意味について
  piano solo
  2 piano (4 hands)
In Bristol Town [BFMS] / ブリストルの町で
  piano solo
  piano (6 hands)
  voice and guitar (arr. Gibbs)
In Dahomey (Cakewalk Smasher) / ダオメーにて (ケークウォークの絶品)
  piano solo
  piano (4 hands) (arr. Campbell)
The Inuit [KS5; 4th mov. of Kipling Jungle Book Cycle]
  mixed chorus
Irish Tune from County Derry / アイルランド、デリー州の調べ
  chorus [BFMS5]
  10 strings or string orchestra [BFMS15]
  orchestra (Stokowski version)
  orchestra (arr. Schmid)
  wind band [BFMS20]
  brass band (arr. Dennis Wright)
  piano solo [BFMS6]
  piano solo (easy version, ed. Stevenson)
  ensemble (1952 version)
  cello orchestra (arr. Plush)
  piano (arr. Siloti)
  organ (arr. Perna)
  wind band (arr. Kreines)
  woodwind choir (arr. Erickson)
  saxophone quintet (arr. Cohen)
  woodwind sextet (arr. Cawkwell)
  flute, cello and piano (arr. Conway)
  percussion ensemble (arr. Ragsdale)
  Irish Tune from County Derry (2nd version County Derry Air)/ アイルランド、デリー州の調べ第2ヴァージョン[BFMS29]
  women’s voices opt. men’s voices and orchestra (elastic scoring)
  three solo instruments or orchestra or miltary band (elastic scoring)
  concert band (arr. Kreines)

. . . . . . . . . . J . . . . . . . .  / top /

Jungle Book Cycle / ジャングルブック・サイクル  See: Kipling Jungle Book Cycle

Jutish Medley / ユトランド民謡メドレー [4th mov. of Danish Folk Music Suite] /  ※《デンマーク民謡組曲》第4曲
  orchestra (elastic scoring) [DFMS9]
  piano solo [DFMS8]
  2 pianos (6 hands) [DFMS9]
  wind band (arr. Kreines)

. . . . . . . . . . . K . . . . . . . .  / top /

Keel Row / キール・ロウ  [BFMS]
  orchestra and whistlers (ed. Ould)
  2 (3) pianos (6 (10) hands) (ed. Ould)
King Solomon’s Espousals
  chorus and orchestra
Kipling Jungle Book Cycle/ キプリングの《ジャングル・ブック・サイクル》  incorporating:
    The Fall of the Stone [KS16]
    Morning Song in the Jungle [KS3]
    Night Song in the Jungle [KS17]
    The Inuit [KS5]
    The Beaches of Lukannon [KS20]
    The Red Dog [KS19]
    The Peora Hunt [KS14]
    Hunting Song of the Seeonee Pack [KS8]
    Tiger, Tiger [KS4]
    The Only Son [KS21]
    Mowgli’s Song against the People [KS15]
  chorus and ensemble or piano(s)
Klavierstucke in A minor / ピアノのための小品イ短調 [YT]
  piano solo
Klavierstucke in B [YT] / ピアノのための小品ロ調
  piano solo
Klavierstucke in D [YT] / ピアノのための小品ニ調
  piano solo
Klavierstucke in E [YT] / ピアノのための小品ホ調
  piano solo
Kleine Variationen-Form / 小さな変奏曲形式 [YT]
  small orchestra
Knight and Shepherd’s Daughter / 騎士と羊飼いの娘 [BFMS18]
  piano solo

. . . . . . . . . . . . L . . . . . . . .  / top /

The Lads of Wamphray / ワムフレイの若者たち
men’s chorus and orchestra
men’s chorus and 2 pianos
wind band (arr. Kreines)
The Lads of Wamphray March / ワムフレイの若者たちの行進曲
The Land o’ the Leal [YT]
voice and guitar (arr. Smart)
voice and piano (ed. Ould)
voice and strings (ed. Ould)
Leezie Lindsay / レズィー・リンゼイ [SON]  See: Songs of the North
voice and piano
piano solo
wind band (arr. Keranen)
Let’s Dance Gay in Green Meadow / 緑の草原で楽しく踊ろう  [FI]
ensemble (arr. Sculthorpe)
piano (4 hands) piano (6 hands)
harmonium or reed organ (6 hands)
Lincolnshire Posy / 組曲 リンカーンシャーの花束  [BFMS] including:
    Lisbon (Dublin Bay) / リスボン(ダブリン湾)
    Horkstow Grange / ホークストー農場
    Rufford Park Poachers / ラフォード猟園の侵入者
    The Brisk Young Sailor / 元気な若い船乗り
    Lord Melbourne / メルボルン卿
    The Lost Lady Found / 行方不明のお嬢さんが見つかった
wind band
2 pianos (4 hands)
piano solo (arr. Hoag)
wind band (ed. Fennell)
wind band (ed. Kreines)
orchestra (arr. Kreines)
saxophone quintet (mvts. 1 & 2 arr. Cawkwell)
saxophone quintet (mvt. 6 arr. Cawkwell)
saxophone sextet (mvts. 3, 4 & 5 arr. Cawkwell)
woodwind sextet (mvts. 1, 2 & 6 arr. Cawkwell)
brass quintet (arr. Ferry)
Lisbon / リスボン [BFMS40 See: Lincolnshire Posy
wind quintet
recorders (2 descant and 1 treble)
piano solo (2 versions)
saxophone quintet
brass quintet
brass quintet (arr. Kreines)
Little March Air (see Harlem (125th Street) Walkabout)
The Lonely Desert Man Sees the Tents of the Happy Tribes /
  孤独な砂漠の男が陽気な部族のテントを見つける  [RMTB9]
voices and room music
room music
voices and piano
piano duet
Lord Maxwell’s Goodnight / マクスウェル卿のおやすみなさい
voice and strings [BFMS42]
orchestra [BFMS14]
men’s chorus and strings [BFMS14]
high voice and string quartet and string orchestra
male voice and piano
male chorus a cappella (arr. Tall)
wind band (arr. Keranen)
wind band (arr. Simon)
wind band (arr. Wilson)
trombone choir (arr. Kreines)
Lord Peter’s Stable Boy / ピーター卿(ペーザ卿)の馬丁 [DFMS1]  See: Danish Folksong Suite
elastic scoring
concert band (arr. Kreines)
The Lost Lady Found / 行方不明のお嬢さんが見つかった  [BFMS33] See: Lincolnshire Posy
single voice, chorus and various accompaniments
chorus and wind (arr. Webster)
cello and piano (ed. Welsh)
The Love Song of Har Dyal [KS11]
voice and piano soprano or chorus and room music
Love Verses from the Song of Solomon / 愛の詩 (ソロモンの雅歌より)
soloists, chorus and chamber orchestra or piano (1931 revision)
soloists, chorus and orchestra (original version)
soloists, chorus and 2 solovoxes
Lukannon / ルカノン  [KS]
men’s chorus voice and piano (realised Ould)
Lullaby from Tribute to Foster / 子守歌 (フォスターに捧ぐ より)
piano solo
piano solo (simplified version)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . M . . . . . . . .  / top /

The Maiden and the Frog [DFMS] / 乙女と蛙
cello and piano
violin (viola or cello) and piano(arr. Gibbs) (with Stalt Vesselil)
March of the Men of Harlech (Welsh Fighting Song No. 2)
double chorus and drums
Marching Song of Democracy / 民主主義の行進歌
mixed chorus, organ and orchestra band
Marching Tune / マーチング・チューン [BFMS9]
chorus and brass or piano
Mary Thomson [BFMS]
The Men of the Sea / 海の男たち  [KS10]
voice and piano
The Merchantmen [KS]
men’s chorus and orchestra
Merciful Town / 慈悲深い町  [KS]
voice and piano
The Merry King / 愉快な王様(陽気な王様)  [BFMS38]
orchestra and piano [BFMS39]
wind band and piano [BFMS39]
wind band (arr. Kreines)
The Merry Wedding (Bridal Dance) / 愉快な婚礼 (祝宴の踊り) [FI]
solo voices, chorus and orchestra or strings and piano or piano
Mo Nighean Dubh / わが黒髪の乙女  [SON]  See: Songs of the North
piano solo
low brass ensemble (arr. Ragsdale)
wind band (arr. Ragsdale)
Mock Morris / モリスもどき [RMTB1]
theatre orchestra salon orchestra (arr. Artok)
orchestra (arr. Langey)
orchestra (Stokowski version)
solo strings or string orchestra
brass band (arr. Dennis Wright)
saxophone quintet (arr. Cawkwell)
large saxophone choir (arr. Cawkwell) piano solo (concert version)
piano solo (popular version)
piano solo (simplified; arr. Stevenson)
2 pianos (4 hands) [see Always Merry and Bright]
violin and piano
recorder trio (arr. Bonsor)
large room music (1952 version)
band (arr. Simpson)
wind band (arr. Kreines)
orchestral brass and percussion (arr. Kreines)
piano and orchestra (arr. ? ) [as used in Howards End soundtrack]
Molly on the Shore / 岸辺のモリー
theatre or full orchestra [BFMS1]
salon orchestra (arr. Artok)
orchestra (arr. Langey)
orchestra (Stokowski version)
string quartet
solo strings or string orchestra [BFMS1]
wind band
piano solo [BFMS19]
2 pianos (4 hands) [BFMS1]
piano solo (simplified; arr. Stevenson)
violin and piano
violin and piano (arr. Kreisler)
flute and cello (arr. Stevenson)
wind band (ed. Kreines)
wind band and 4 marimbas (8 hands) (arr. Ragsdale)
alto saxophone and piano (ed. Cohen)
saxophone choir (arr. Cawkwell)
alto or baritone saxophone and piano (arr. Cawkwell)
Morning Song in the Jungle [KS3; 3rd movement of Kipling Jungle Book Cycle]
mixed chorus
Mowgli’s Song against the People [KS15; 11th movement of Kipling Jungle Book Cycle]
soloists, mixed chorus and ensemble
2 pianos (4 hands)
My Love’s in Germanie [BFMS]
SATB soloists and chorus
My Robin is to the Greenwood Gone / わたしのロビンは緑の森へ [OEPM2]
6 strings, flute, cor anglais
violin, cello, piano
piano solo
flute and piano (arr. Ould)
flute, Conn-o-Sax and strings (adapted Cohen)
soprano saxophone, cello and piano (adapted Cohen)
room music (arr. Tomlinson) [BBC Library]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . N . . . . . . . .  / top /

Near Woodstock Town / ウッドストック・タウンの近くで [BFMS]
mixed chorus
piano solo
string orchestra (arr. Ould)
wind band (arr. Keranen)
The Nightingale and The Two Sisters / ナイチンゲールと二人の姉妹 [DFMS10; 3rd mov. of Danish Folk Music Suite]
elastic scoring
military band
piano solo (ed. Smith)
organ (arr. Perna)
concert band (arr. Kreines)
The Nightingale (Nattergalen) / ナイチンゲール
violin (or viola or cello) and harmonium (pipe-organ)
violin, cello and pipe-organ
Night-Song in the Jungle [KS17; 3rd mov. of Kipling Jungle Book Cycle]
men’s voices
4- men’s chorus (1st setting)
Norse Dirge / 北欧の葬送曲 [3rd mov. of Youthful Suite※《若々しき組曲》第3曲
Northern Ballad / 北方のバラッド
male voice and piano
Northern March / 北方風行進曲 [1st mov. of Youthful Suite※《若々しき組曲》第1曲
piano solo (transc. Stevenson)
Now, O Now, I needs must Part
(after Dowland) [see also Bell Piece]
piano solo (easy version) [FS5]
piano solo (concert version) [FS6]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O . . . . . . . .  / top /

O Gin I Were Where Gadie Rins [SON]  See: Songs of the North
piano solo
soprano solo, satb choir and piano
The Old Woman at the Christening [DFMS11]
voice, piano and harmonium
voice, harmonium and strings (arr. Ould)
O Mistress Mine (after Morley)
One More Day, my John /わたしのジョンよ、もう一日  [SCS1]
piano solo
piano solo (easy version; ed. Stevenson)
The Only Son [KS21; 10th mov. of Kipling Jungle Book Cycle]
soprano, tenor, opt. chorus and room music
string quartet and harmonium (piano) (realised Ould)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P . . . . . . . .  / top /

Paraphrase on Tchaikovsky' Flower Waltz (Nutcracker Suite) /
   チャイコフスキーの花のワルツにもとづくパラフレーズ (組曲《くるみ割り人形》より)
piano solo
Pastoral / パストラル (田園詩) [3rd mov. of In a Nutshell Suite]
orchestra and piano
piano solo
2 pianos (4 hands)
Peace and Saxon Twiplay [YT]
piano solo
brass quintet (arr. Stanhope)
The Peora Hunt [KS14; 7th mov. of Kipling Jungle Book Cycle]
mixed chorus and various accompaniments (ad lib.)
6-part men’s chorus
Piano Concerto / ピアノ協奏曲  [YT]
2 pianos (4 hands) (ed. Epstein & Ould)
The Power of Love / 愛の力
[DFMS2; 1st mov. of Danish Folk Music Suite]
orchestra (elastic scoring)
The Power of Love/ 愛の力  [DFMS4]
voices and room music string orchestra, harmonium and piano
piano solo (arr. Thwaites)
high voice and piano
concert band and piano (arr. Kreines)
soprano saxophone and brass (arr. Osmon)
Power of Rome and the Christian Heart / ローマ権力とキリスト教徒の心
wind band
piano solo (transc. Stevenson)
The Pretty Maid Milking her Cow / 乳搾りをするかわいい娘  [BFMS27]
high (original version) or low voice and piano
Pritteling, Pratteling, Pretty Poll Parrot / ぺちゃくちゃ喋るかわいい鸚鵡
2 pianos (4 hands) (ed. Ould)
2 guitars and wind (ed. Ould)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R . . . . . . . .  / top /

The 'Rag-Time' Girl
piano solo
voice and piano
Ramble on Love / ランブル・オン・ラヴ (after Strauss’s Love Duet from Der Rosenkavalier)  [FS4]

piano solo
Random Round / ランダム・ラウンド  [RMTB8]
voices and/ room music (random version)
voices and room music (set version)
2 pianos (10 or 11 hands)
Recessional [KS18]
mixed chorus with or without keyboard instruments (pianos, harmoniums etc.)
Red Dog [KS19; 6th mov. of Kipling Jungle Book Cycle]
4-part men’s voices
A Reiver’s Neck-Verse
voice and piano
Ride with an Idle Whip / 仔馬に鞭はいらないが  [KS]
male voice and piano
Rimmer and Goldcastle / リマーとゴールドカッスル [DFMS3]
piano solo
The Rival Brothers /  [FI]
mixed voices and strings
piano solo
piano duet
wind band (arr. Keranen)
Rondo / ロンド
piano duet
The Running of Shindand [KS9]
men’s chorus
5 cellos
Rustic Dance / 素朴な舞曲 [2nd mov. of Youthful Suite※《若々しき組曲》第2曲

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S . . . . . . . .  / top /

Sailor’s Chanty / 船乗りのシャンティ (船乗りの仕事詩)
men’s chorus and piano
male voice and piano
Sailor’s Song / 船乗りの歌
piano solo
piano solo (simplified version)
orchestra (ed. Ould)
La Scandinavie (Scandinavian Suite) / スカンジナヴィア組曲 including:
    Swedish Air and Dance
    A Song of Vermeland (Swedish)
    Norwegian Polska
    Danish Melody*
    Air and Finale on Norwegian Dances
cello and piano
*violin and piano (arr. Wilhelmj)
Scherzo / スケルツォ  [YT]
string orchestra
Scotch Strathspey & Reel / スコットランドのストラススペイとリール
4-part male chorus and ensemble [BFMS28]
piano solo [BFMS37]
flute and cello (Reel of Tulloch arr. Stevenson)
wind band (arr. Osmon)
Sea Song ‘Grettir the Strong’
organ and strings (2 versions)
string quartet and harmonium (reed organ)
piano solo (arr. Dobbing)
The Sea Wife [KS]
mixed chorus and various accompaniments [KS22]
voice and piano
The Secret of the Sea / 海の神秘
male voice and piano
Sekar Gadung (Javanese)
voices, flute and percussion
Seven Men From All the World [KS]
piano roll only at present (GM: RG J2/1-105:1)
Shallow Brown / シャロー・ブラウン  [SCS3]
  voice(s) and orchestra voice(s) and piano
Shenandoah / シェナンドー [SCS]
male voices
wind ensemble (arr. Osmon)
Shepherd’s Hey! / シェパーズ・ヘイ!(羊飼いの踊り) 

room music [BFMS3]
violin, violoncello and piano (realised Ould) [BFMS4]
full orchestra [BFMS16]
orchestra (arr. Langey)
orchestra (Stokowski version)
wind band [BFMS21]
brass band (arr. Dennis Wright)
piano solo [BFMS4]
piano (simplified) [BFMS4]
2 pianos (4 hands) [BFMS16]
recorders and piano (arr. Bonsor)
flute, violin and cello (arr. Gray)
wind band (arr. Kreines)
orchestral brass and percussion (arr. Kreines)
saxophone quintet (arr. Cawkwell)
saxophone quintet (arr. Cohen)
brass quintet (arr. Stanhope)
The Shoemaker from Jerusalem / エルサレムから来た靴屋 [DFMS6]
room music
cello and piano (realised Ould)
Sir Eglamore [BFMS13]
mixed chorus, strings, brass and percussion (revised version)
mixed chorus, strings and brass
Six Dukes went a-Fishin’ / 6人の公爵が釣りに出かけると [BFMS11]
voice (high and low) and piano
voice(s) and room music (arr. Bedford)
chorus and winds (arr. Webster)
chorus and flute
chorus a cappella
flute and piano (arr. Ould)
wind band (arr. Kreines)
brass quintet (arr. Kreines)
Skye Boat Song / スカイ・ボート・ソング  [SON]  See: Songs of the North
voice and piano
unison chorus and piano
piano (simplified; ed. Stevenson)
Soldier, Soldier / 兵士よ、兵士  [KS13]
6 soloists, mixed chorus and opt. harmonium
male voice and piano (2 settings)
A Song of Autumn
voice and piano
A Song of Vermeland
mixed chorus
saxophone quintet (arr. Cohen)
Songs of the North / 北方の歌 including:
    Willie’s Gane to Melville Castle / ウィリーはメルヴィル城へ行った
    Weaving Song /
    Skye Boat Song / スカイ・ボート・ソング
    This is not my Plaid
    Turn Ye to Me /
    Drowned / 溺れ死んだ恋人
    Fair Young Mary (Mairi Bhan Og) /
    Leezie Lindsay / レズィー・リンゼイ
    The Women are a’ Gane Wud /
    My Faithful Fond One (Mo Run Geal Dileas) /
    Bonnie George Campbell / ボニー・ジョージ・キャンベル
    O’ er the Moor /
    O Gin I were where Gadie Rins* /
    Mo Nighean Dubh (My Dark-Haired Maid)* / わが黒髪の乙女
voice (*chorus) and piano
Spoon River / スプーン・リヴァー [AFMS]
elastic scoring (3 to full orchestra) [AFMS2]
piano solo [AFMS1]
piano solo (simplified; arr. Stevenson)
2 pianos (4 hands) [AFMS3]
flute and cello (arr. Stevenson)
flute, cello and piano (arr. Conway)
wind band saxophone quintet (arr. Cawkwell)
saxophone quintet (arr. Cohen)
soprano or tenor saxophone and piano (arr. Cawkwell)
wind band (arr. Bainum)
The Sprig of Thyme/ タイムの小枝 [BFMS24]
voice (high or low) and piano solo
voice(s) and chorus (arr. Perna)
Stalt Vesselil (Proud Vesselil) / 誇り高きヴェッセリル [DFMS]
piano solo
flute, cor anglais and strings (ed. Tall)
voice and piano (ed. Thwaites)
Stormy / ストーミー (Pumping Chanty) [SCS]
male voices
The Sussex Mummers’ Christmas Carol /  [BFMS]
piano solo [BFMS2]
cello or violin and piano [BFMS17]
viola and piano (ed. Ould) [BFMS17]
band (arr. Simpson)
mixed voices (arr. Perna)
organ solo (arr. Perna) (2 versions)
band (arr. Goldman)
brass choir (arr. Kreines)
wind band (arr. Kreines)
wind band (arr. Simpson)
brass quintet (arr. Kreines)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T . . . . . . . .  / top /

Thanksgiving Song (last movement)
chorus and orchestra
Theme and Variations / 主題と変奏  [YT]
string quartet
Themes from Green Bushes / 「緑の茂み」の主題
wind ensemble (arr. Daehn)
There was a Pig Went out to Dig / 穴掘りに出た豚がいた  [BFMS18]
4-part female chorus or single voices
clarinet choir (arr. Smith)
4-part wind or brass choir (arr. Kreines)
brass quintet (arr. Stanhope)
There were Three Friends / 三人の仲間がいた [YT]
Thou Gracious Power
mixed chorus a cappella
Three Burns Songs [YT] including:
    Afton Water
    Evan Banks
    Yon Wild Mossy Mountains
voice and piano
Three Scottish Folk Songs/ 3つのスコットランド民謡
piano solo
The Three Ravens / 三羽のからす [BFMS41]
baritone, mixed chorus, flute and 4 clarinets
baritone, mixed chorus and 5 clarinets
baritone, mixed chorus, harmonium and wind fivesome
Tiger, Tiger / タイガー、タイガー  [KS4; 9th mov. of Kipling Jungle Book Cycle]
solo voice (ad lib.) and men's chorus
4-part men’s chorus (1st setting)
brass ensemble
5 cellos
recorder ensemble
piano solo
organ or harmonium duet
To a Nordic Princess (Bridal Song) / 北欧の王女へ (婚礼の歌)
piano solo (excerpt)
piano solo (simplified; arr. Stevenson)
organ (arr. Farnham) [see Bridal Song]
Train Music / トレイン・ミュージック (汽車の音楽)
orchestra (ed. Rathburn)
piano solo (excerpt)
Tribute to Foster / フォスターに捧ぐ
soloists, chorus and orchestra or pianos
The Twa Corbies
voice and 7 strings or piano
concert band (arr. Kreines)
Two Musical Relics of my Mother
2 pianos (4 hands)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U . . . . . . . .  / top /

Under en Bro (Under a Bridge) / 橋の下で  [DFMS12]
voices and room music
voices and piano

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . .  / top /

Variations on Handel’s “The Harmonious Blacksmith/

voice or violoncello and piano

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W . . . . . . . .  / top /

Walking Tune / ウォーキング・チューン (歩くときの調べ) [RMTB3]
wind quintet
piano solo
piano solo (simplified; arr. Stevenson)
symphonic wind ensemble (ed. Perna)
piano solo (simplified version)
piano duet (2 versions)
organ or harmonium duet
recorder or flute and piano (arr. Ould)
wind ensemble (arr. Daehn)
band (arr. Simpson)
The Warriors (Music to an Imaginary Ballet) / 戦士たち (想像上のバレエ音楽)
orchestra and 3 pianos
2 pianos (6 hands) with opt. brass ensemble
Warriors A / 戦士たち ヴァージョンA
piano solo (only available on piano roll in Grainger Museum)
Warriors B / 戦士たち ヴァージョンB
piano solo (only available on piano roll in Grainger Museum)
The Warriors II / 戦士たち II
2 pianos (4 hands) (ed. Lavender, Ould, Thwaites)
We have fed Our Sea for a Thousand Years [KS2]
6-part mixed chorus and brass (strings ad lib)
boy’s and men’s chorus, 3 horns and low strings
We were Dreamers / われら夢見し者たち  [YT]
When the World was Young [S2]
2 pianos (4 hands)
The Widow’s Party / やもめの祝宴  [KS7]
men’s chorus and orchestra or piano duet
men’s chorus and military band
piano (4 hands)
piano solo
The Widow’s Party II [KS]
men' chorus and room music (ed. Perna)
The Widow’s Party March / やもめの祝宴マーチ
2 pianos (6 hands)
Willie’s Gane to Melville Castle / ウィリーはメルヴィル城へ行った  [SON
See: Songs of the North
voice and piano
Willow Willow / 柳よ柳  [OEPM1]
voice and piano (early setting)
voice and piano or 4 strings and guitar
band (arr. Simpson)
The Wraith of Odin
double chorus and orchestra
chorus and piano
2 pianos (4 hands)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y . . . . . . . .  / top /

Ye Banks & Braes o’ Bonnie Doon / ボニー・ドゥーンの堤よ土手よ [BFMS]
  unison women, 4- men’s chorus, whistlers and harmonium [BFMS30]
  elastic scoring [BFMS31]
  brass or wind band [BFMS22]
  saxophone choir
  piano (4 hands)
  piano (6 hands)
  organ (arr. Perna)
The Young British Soldier / 若い英国の兵士  [KS]
  voice and piano
Youthful Rapture [RMTB]
  cello and piano or room music
Youthful Suite / 若々しき組曲  including:
    Northern March / 北方風行進曲
    Rustic Dance / 素朴な舞曲
    Norse Dirge / 北欧の葬送曲
    Eastern Intermezzo / 東洋風間奏曲
    English Waltz / 英国円舞曲

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z . . . . . . . .  / top /

Zanzibar Boat Song / ザンジバルの舟歌  [RMTB6]
  1 piano (6 hands)
  wind band (arr. Keranen)

Japanese edition up-dated May 28, 2001
(depending on the original edition up-dated July 18, 1999)


(C) 1997-2005 Junichi Miyazawa

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